Trevor Henderson Fanon Wiki
8 Aircrafts missing in one month.
~ The caption on the first known image of them, which depicts a Serpentine Aeroshark floating above a highway between the mountains.

Aircraft Sharks, or Aerosharks, are a genus of enormous cryptids by RandomStuff Animations.


Aircraft Sharks are unusually large, dark grey creatures that resemble sharks, but have grossly elongated tails. While typical individuals can range from up to half a kilometer long from head to tail, this average size can vary depending on the species, with the largest species among them being up to three kilometers long when fully grown.


The creatures, as they are animalistic beings, display no signs of sapience or sentience. They behave and feed in a manner very similar to actual sharks, being solitary creatures that feed on already injured creatures or floating carrion. However, they will typically ignore aircraft, and while attacks are rare, planes they target are rarely, if ever seen again. Depending on the species, aircraft sharks have a variety of diets, with carnivorous, omnivorous, scavenging, and even durophagous (eating things with hard shells) among their ranks. While they appear to have no outward signs of being able to fly what appear to be eyes are actually openings to a complex organ system that allow sky mantas to fly and maintain their direction via jet propulsion. They share this trait with Sky Mantas, implying that they both share a common ancestor.

Breeding season typically occurs once every five years and coinciding with the breeding season of the sky mantas. When in breeding season, individuals will mate multiple times with different individuals as much as they can. After mating, gestation typically takes up to four years, with their young being able to fly as soon as they are born.


Very little is known about these creatures, resulting in theories on what their origins are to run wild. However, the main theory on their origin is that they originated from a different dimension where flying animals adapted to reach immense sizes. If this is the case, it is unknown how the sky mantas and the aircraft sharks managed to find their way to earth.

