Trevor Henderson Fanon Wiki


Filter Feeder depicts a large creature with grey skin. Filters Feeder are quadrupedal species. Each leg has one knee, and the leg's knee joint is bent backwards, similar to the legs of an ostrich, only greatly exaggerated. Each leg ends in a large foot, similar in shape to the feet of an elephant. These large legs are connected to its large body. It appears to be malnourished, as it appears emaciated. At the front of its body, Filter Feeder has a large, gaping and circular mouth that never closes. It is unknown if it can close at all, or if the Filter Feeder chooses to keep it open, although it is unknown if the Filter Feeder even has a lower jawbone. The mouth is completely lipless. Since it's jaw never closes, it is unlikely that it ever chews anything it eats, which is further compounded by having no teeth or saliva glands. This could simply mean it's organs are able to digest food whole and possibly still living. It is unknown why exactly it has a mouth so large, as there is little naturally occurring prey that would necessitate a mouth of such size. This mouth is about the same size as its body, and is oval in shape. The shape of it's body resembles that of a wind-sock, ending in a "tail". Filter Feeder has an overall strange, but familiar appearance. The Filter Feeder somewhat resembles the Basking Shark, at least in the shape of it's mouth.

The use of an egg and not a womb is indicative that Filter Feeders could be related to Reptiles, which would make sense given it's large size, and it's apparent lack of any heat outlet; However, this could make the Filter Feeder particularly susceptible to things such as fungus or parasites. While not documented with the Filter Feeder it is also possible that insects could take up residence in it's digestive tract, a real condition that can occur in humans if an insect survives being digested, a problem that could pose far more of a danger to the Filter Feeder than in other, smaller creatures like Humans.

It's name comes from the large mouth, which resembles that of Basking-Sharks, which have a large and circular mouth.


It is unknown if Filter Feeder(s) have any higher brain functions. Filter Feeder instead seems to do whatever it wants, consuming humans and wildlife. It is unknown if it has any particular biological requirements (As in being carnivorous, herbivorous, etc.) Filter Feeder uses its large mouth as a vacuum to suck up its prey. When it's meal has reached the bottom of the body, it crushes it up, and uses small holes in its body to consume the remnants. Filter Feeder shows no interest in helping other giants, plainly ignoring them. Filter Feeder is not capable of learning, nor is it capable of complex thinking or relationships, though it is capable of some form of memory although this memory is not presumed to be any form of long-term memory.

Approximately two months before its death, the first documented Filter feeder laid a single egg. (It is unknown how many eggs one Filter Feeder can produce in it's lifetime. Given that the first Filter Feeder reproduced without a mate, it is assumed that they can reproduce asexually.) The Filter Feeder will then sit on the egg, presumably heating the egg. This could indicate that Filter Feeders are warm-blooded. When it does this, it forms a hard shell around itself, possibly made of bone, or some other material, and becomes extremely wrinkly. When this occurs, the parent Filter Feeder dies. After this occurs and the newborn is fully hatched, the newborn will consume the corpse as food, allowing it to grow to a massive size, and survive weeks without needing to consume any form of meat. It is understood that the metabolism of the newborn is suddenly quite intense, thus meaning the newborn could die if it does not consume all of it's parent's corpse. After a few weeks of growth, the newborn is now fully grown. Why exactly the parent dies is unknown, as it seems counterintuitive to the proliferation of the species. Having no parent would sacrifice protection and growth over quite a long time, instead of over the course of several weeks. It would also allow the species to spread.

It is unknown if the Filter Feeder grazes at all. Given how few there are, it is unknown if it exhibits any behavior similar to sheep or goats. It is unknown if it migrates, and if it does migrate, it is unknown in what manner it does so. It does not move around much, at least based on it's size relative to how strong it's legs appear to be.


Size: The massive size of the Filter Feeder(s) gives it the ability to easily crush some objects and even trample prey; This would allow it to catch prey easier.

Vacuum-like mouth: The creature has the ability to suck up objects using it's mouth, allowing it to catch its prey much more efficiently. The use of air to catch it's prey is similar to how elephants eat nuts with their long trunks.

Filter feeding: Filter Feeder(s) small holes (which are not visible in the photo presented above) allow it to only consume the food it needs, and regurgitates it's waste, such as bones.


Despite being a Giant, Filter Feeder does not follow the same origins as other giants. When The Second Moon appeared, strange mutations occurred. Some basking sharks started growing exponentially, although none of them grew to the size of Filter Feeder. Filter Feeder instantly dominated the food chain (although this is disputed), and subsequently grew appendages that allowed it to walk on land, although how or why it does this is unknown. Moreover, it is unknown if any other Filter Feeders can do this, or if it was unique to this first Filter Feeder. Filter Feeder soon arrived on land. It continued to grow (although at what rate is unknown) until soon it was damaged and weak, possibly indicating it may soon die as most of the prey it consumes could be unable to sustain it, unless it is capable of fighting other giants. It could also mean that this is in some capacity part of it's life cycle, although given that the Filter Feeder lays its eggs on land and not in water contradicts this. This documented Filter Feeder laid an egg and subsequently died. Its unknown what caused these mutations, though experts theorized that the strange occurrence of a Second Moon caused certain parts of the natural world to change and warp, although this has not yet been proven and remains a theory in the absence of proper evidence. This means that there could be other life similar to Filter Feeder out there, although if they exist, they have yet to be discovered.
