- "Bill"
- "Spongebob"
- 4/16/2011
- 5/21/1938
- 5G Head
- Abyssal
- Adolescence
- Aircraft Sharks
- Albanian Warrior
- Alpine Golem
- Amanda Labeaux
- Angels Rapture
- Anomaly 13: Roaming Deeper Into the Fog
- Anomaly 33: Zalgo
- Anxiety
- Anxiety giant
- Appear in Hiroshima
- Appearing at night and away at day
- Aqua Giant Of Island
- Armhead
- Arrival On A Crescent Moon
- Astroplex
- Attempting to Re-Spark an Old Flame
- Avian Beast
- Axølotl (Axolotl)
- Bad Chair
- Bad Trip
- Behind the clouds
- Billboard Head
- Bird Old
- Blackwar
- Blood Moon Pack
- Blood siren head
- Blue Dinosaur Giant
- Blue Wood
- Boykisser (Chaos agents)
- Bridge Spider
- Brother Blur
- CTMBC : Creatures That Must Be Contained
- Calmless
- Candon Fleecer
- Carson Fleecer
- Cartoon Bird
- Cartoon Cat (EXE.BOY)
- Cartoon Elephant
- Cartoon Mouse
- Cartoon Mouse (Steam OC's collab version)
- Cartoon Mouse (normal)
- Cartoon Pig
- Cartoon cat
- Cascadian Mimics
- Categories : Night creatures
- Cave Snatcher
- ChainsawHead
- Chaos Crab
- Chimney Head
- City Stalker
- City Walkers
- Close The Curtains
- Cloud Crab
- Cloud dweller
- Cognito-Ooze
- Colossal Limbs
- Comparing the size of trevor hendersons giants
- Computer Stalker
- Country Giant
- Cousin's Outing
- Cowuntation
- Crash Tag Team Racing creatures
- Creature in the Blind Spot
- Cries of the Mistreated
- Crinny
- Crura
- Cult Seeker
- DSInfinite's Creations
- D u c c
- Dark Siren Head
- Day 33
- Day 49
- Day 528
- Day Roamer
- Dearmince Highschool
- Devil whistle humaniod
- Dim Screamer
- Doomsday Beast
- Driving Mister Morrison
- Dusk Crab
- E K O N I N
- Elder Warrior
- Elevation
- Euphoria
- Faceless Harry
- False Moons
- Fence Observer
- Filter Feeder
- Fire Winger
- Floating Eye Giant
- Fog Crab
- Fog Roamer
- Forest Goblins
- Gargantuan Watcher
- Ghost shark
- Giant Bloodsucker
- Giant Fetus
- Giga black
- Girl with tiny body
- God of Bridge Spider
- God of amoebas
- God of frogs
- God of roamed
- Goldie
- Greed of man knows no limits
- Green Walker
- Halloween
- Hand From The Depths
- Hand of Heaven
- Hand of Hell
- Head & String
- Hell Bird ( Pyroterus Theristes )
- Hierophant 5
- Hiroto's Giant
- Hostile boykisser
- Hotel Madness
- House Head
- Ice Devil
- Ice siren head
- Invasion
- Iridescent Mist Wanderer
- It flashed by
- Janitor Creep
- Jason Wyvernson
- Jelly Mouth
- Jocelyn Hernandez
- Judgement 20
- Just a windmill
- Kaitlyn Labeaux
- Kinito
- Lady at the Theatre
- Lame Giant
- Lanky Limber
- Laziness
- Lemon Demon
- Lenny Labeaux
- Leta
- Light from the mist
- Lights Out
- Link=http:/trevorhenderson.fandom.com/wiki/File:Gargantuan Watcher.png
- Living Building
- Lone Of Night
- Long Neck
- Long Scribble Creature
- Lost Mall Wanderer
- Lunascribbles' Creations
- Lurking In The Distance
- Madam
- Madison
- Magenta Giant
- Man Point (fix)
- Meat grinder
- Melon Head
- Micheal Labeaux
- Midnight Loomer
- Mikey Wyvernson
- Minor Characters of Sword Time
- Mist Crab
- Misty Guest 15
- Molly OʻClashford
- Monkeying Around
- Morning Star
- Morrison Wyvernson
- Motelheads
- Mr. February
- Mushroom Crab
- Narrator
- New Girl
- New Times
- Night 28
- Night Dweller
- Night Guardian
- Night School Attendant
- Night Stalker
- Night Walk
- Night Walking
- Night with a single star
- Nightman
- Nighttime trail cam
- Nope, The Good Stuff is for Closers
- Northern Mountain Ent
- Not a Day
- Now That's a Big EGG
- Octavian Wyvernson
- Overdoom
- Page Layout
- Peaberella Parlendgren
- Phantom Grazers
- Phonograph Head
- Physics Switch
- Primordial Sirens
- Primus Serpentis
- Putrid Patrick
- Radioactive spider giant
- Radionaut
- Raiden Wyvernson
- Rapionetx
- Red Light
- Red eyes Giant
- Reptile Giant
- Rolled head over heels
- Roothead
- Rugops
- ST Season (Idea)
- ST Season 10 (idea)
- ST Season 2 (Idea)
- School Guard
- Scrutinization
- Sea Eater
- Sea titan
- Season 9
- Shadow Behemoth
- Shadow Shifter
- Shadow siren head
- Shadowy Figure
- Shame
- Shape Shifting
- Sharp needle arachnid
- Shining light
- Shreddy Bear
- Silly cat
- Siren Head/Elder Form
- Siren Walker
- Siren head
- Sixth day of Eighth
- Sky Mantas
- Slime Dogs
- Snow Storm
- Snowman Mimics
- Sonthing in the sky
- Spindly Elephant
- Spotted
- Street Snake
- Subject 7705
- Suggestions Page
- Summer Fog
- Sunset Tentacle
- Sunset Walker
- Sword's Pilot
- TV Head
- Tall Guy
- Tall Shadow
- Thalzor
- That's No Moon
- That's No Sun
- That's no moon
- The Abolished Executioner
- The Abomination
- The Approaching Demise
- The Beast Of The Siren
- The Beast of Mystic Hotels
- The Bird Of Passage
- The Black Crown
- The Black Cyclone
- The Brockls-Bird
- The Cause of Mass Extinction
- The Cave Figure
- The Corrupted Fauna
- The Creature Above
- The Creature that is Always There
- The Crystal Mimics
- The Crystal Mimics (2)
- The Crystal Mimics (3)
- The Damned
- The Dark Facility 1
- The Deep Screamer
- The Dirt Bug
- The Doomsday Omen
- The Drill
- The Eyes In The Sky
- The Flying Phantor
- The Friend
- The Gatekeeper of the True World
- The Giant of Retribution
- The Hovering Depth
- The Immigrants
- The Interceptor
- The Light Cube
- The Living Saucers
- The Man Beyond Faith
- The Man In The Shadows
- The Man Who Was Forgotten In The Room
- The Man in The Blue Room
- The Megahorn
- The Miss navigation Error.
- The Monstrous Crab
- The Moonscraper
- The Overseers
- The Planet Eater
- The Robot
- The Robot (RedZero999)
- The Root (Parking Lot)
- The Sentient Hand
- The Shadeling
- The Sky Has Opened
- The Sky Is Falling
- The Sky Puppeteer
- The Space Spider
- The Space Walkers
- The Sunset Tower
- The Tornado Crab
- The Unheard Steps
- The Unveiled Trespasser
- The Wandering Mist
- The Watcher
- The cartoon
- The corpse scorpion
- The discontinued project :R-K@!D
- The forbidden name
- The great Bazinga in the sky
- The howling in the mists
- The invaders
- The landwalker
- The misty Guest 6
- The walking doom
- The winter Walker
- Theatre Patron/Starliner Cinema
- Thunderstorm giant
- Tornado Walker
- Train Eater
- Train Runner
- Tree man
- Trevor Henderson
- Trevor Henderson Fanon Wiki
- Tunnel lurker
- Universal roamer
- Unknown Howl
- Unsuccessful Prank
- Violator/Off-road violator
- Wandering Cosmos
- Wandering Crab
- Wandering Fungus
- Wandering Tornado
- Warplane Python
- Watcher of You
- Water Siren Head
- Wedding's Arousal