Trevor Henderson Fanon Wiki
Sea Eater

Sea Eater 1

Evilin Mary's camera feed was recovered:

The Sea Eater is a massive tube-like creature with 2 large arms and a gargantuan mouth. It was created by user Qm Blue on the r/Trevor Henderson subreddit, scoring 134 upvotes. The original post has since been moderated by user Nuhuhbruhhhh. This creature's origins are currently not fully understood, although our understanding may deepen in the future as I add more content to this sub-fandom.

Blue's Twitter here for whoever still care:


The Sea Eater is a ocean-dwelling creature. Its height is estimated at a staggering 5km (3.11 miles), with a width of 4.5km (2.8 miles), and a length of 25km (15.53 miles); similarly, its mouth measures roughly 4.8km (2.98 miles) tall, and 4.4km (2.73 miles) wide. The Sea Eater's arms are 5km (3.1 miles) long each. Due to its visage's muscular make up, The Sea Eater's mouth is constantly agape. This means it has the capability of consuming anything in its path. The Sea Eater's skin consists of water and a thick cyan hide, while its arms are composed of deceased marine organisms. With its massive arms, it can push itself off the ocean floor, reaching incredible speeds of up to 1609 km/h (1000 miles per hour).

The Sea Eater can be seen from several kilometers away due to its unfathomable size. It resides in deep oceans hundreds of thousands of meters from shore.

A phenomenon known as Crumbling affects The Sea Eater. Thus far, the only information known about this phenomenon is that it causes the creature to begin to fall apart and retreat back into deeper water. This phenomenon only appears to trigger when less than 10% of its body is submerged in water.


The Sea Eater rarely rises 3km (1.86 miles) above the surface of the ocean, in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans; however, the entity has been spotted near the Arctic Circle on one occasion. Any persons sailing these waters should be wary of The Sea Eater, and pray for a safe voyage.


On July 9th, 1923, Evelyn Mary (referred to as Witness 46) was visiting Daytona Beach, Florida from her hometown of Miami. She noticed what appeared to be a large blue mountain in the water, which seemed to be moving at a rapid pace. 5 minutes later, it had already reached shore, at which she could tell that it was some species of a supernatural being, what she referred to as a "water worm", so incredibly large it seemed impossible for it to even move its massive body weight with its two relatively thin arms. By this point, the entity had lifted its hand to walk on shore, and Evelyn was already driving away. When she looked back, however, the creature was retreating back to the ocean, Huge chunks the size of single houses falling from its stomach. Some time later, a devastating tidal wave hit the coast, destroying buildings and terrain.

Evelyn Mary is first known witness of The Sea Eater.

Other witnesses:[]

Lamine Somber (Witness 67) reportedly saw it in 1927.

Grady Grimmest (Witness 98) reportedly saw it in 1945.

Erin Lucem (Witness 230) reportedly saw it in 1985.

Garrison May (Witness 2) reportedly saw it in 1987.

Kendra Sane (Witness 477) reportedly saw it in 2005.

The last known sighting of The Sea Eater was reported by 𝑛̥̊⃝𝑜̥̊⃝𝑠̥̊⃝𝑑̥̊⃝𝑟̥̊⃝𝑎̥̊⃝ℎ̥̊⃝𝑐̥̊⃝𝑖̥̊⃝𝑅̥̊⃝ 𝑎̥̊⃝𝑑̥̊⃝𝑜̥̊⃝𝐾̥̊⃝, which can be turned into "n o s d r a h c i R a d o K", unscrambled into "HARD ROCK" or "ROCK HARD"

The database crashed due to unknown factors. Additional files recovered. Scroll down to view.


"... --- ... / ... --- ... / ... --- ... / ... .... .. .--. / -.. --- .-- -. .-.-.- / ... .... .. .--. / -.. --- .-- -. .-.-.- / .-. . --.- ..- . ... - / .-. . ... -.-. ..- . .-.-.- / -. --- .-.-.- / .. - / .. ... / - --- --- / .-.. .- - . .-.-.-"


- Morse Code detected from a code tower in 1985.

"-.. .-. ... / .-. ... -.-- .-. - / --- -.. / -- .--. -.-- / -.-- .--- .-. / -. --- .... .... .-. -.. -.-- -..-."

("DROPS RAINY ________________________")

-Seemingly scrambled Morse Code detected from a code tower in the state of New York, circa 1970-1987, possibly a cipher?


Sea Eater Photo

Side view of the Sea Eater

Age Theory[]

One possibility is that this creature is tens of thousands of years old, this is due to cave paintings of a massive creature with a large mouth and arms, although at the time, the arms were... Thinner? While another possibility is that the creature may be similar to the immortal jellyfish, once becoming old enough, its outer layer of... Flesh? Is removed and dissolved over time into sea water. This is further supported by how some of the paintings depict a smaller version, roughly 100m in length based off of them.

Size Theory[]

The Sea Eater seems to be shrinking in size and weight, at its peak, it was 5.5km tall, 4.8km wide, and 28.5km long, also sporting a more-purple hue.

Family theory[]

There has actually been 3 possibly different Sea Eater specimen found. The first is the regular one, and the only one to get close enough to confirm. The second creature resembles more of a massive Manta ray, with a wide flat body and a tail-like appendage on the middle of its back. It is normally spotted several times farther than the main creature and is believed to be much larger. Its rough dimensions are 2km tall by 30km wide and 50km long. The final one has actually been seen closer to an elephant skeleton, or like a bloated day 18. It is the least noticeable, and on shore is only seen in extremely far waters, often partially beyond the horizon. It is the largest one, roughly tied with the "Ocean Devourer", (the name we gave to the Manta.) and its dimensions are somewhat near 30km tall, 12km wide, and 55km long, with its proboscis at roughly 20km long.

First (recovered) version of Sea Eater. (Does not connect to current lore.)[]

Sea Eater

Sea eater, barely on the surface.

The Sea Eater is a creature that dwells the ocean as it's home, it's mouth is estimated too be 32,000 feet. It always keep its mouth open meaning it has the capability of eating anything in it's way.

The Sea Eater skin is made up of water and thick cyan, while it's arms is made of dead marine animals. With the arms, it could reach too incredible speeds up to 230 or 570 mph but there is no true estimate on how fast it can get.

The Sea Eater’s skin is completely covered with water with a thick black hide underneath, while his arms are composed of dead marine animals and when the arms a put in representation it's clear that the size of both is quite similar with its hands resembling a human with an abnormal amount of skin webbing.

The Sea Eater is now probably one of Trevor Henderson’s largest sea creatures.


As described above the Sea Eater is a sea creature with water covered black skin, a large mouth having a length of around 300 km and a height of 100 km or with 2 massive arms with webbed extremities that are around 250-280 km, but measures may vary, and since it has no eyes, it seems to navigate on sonar alone.

This creature is extremely hostile to other creatures and lifeforms, so you must proceed with caution as if it does catch there will be no escape


The Sea Eater rarely rises to the surface of the Pacific, though has been spotted elsewhere on extremely rare occasions. So, if you are at the Pacific Ocean, you should pray for a safe voyage.

(Note to me, I assume.)[]

Note: hi im Blue, the creator of this creature. I just want to say am thankful to whoever rewrite the article about my creature, the original page i wrote is much simpler and almost no information. I never expect Sea Eater will become famous and people will love it this much, again thank you, whoever rewrite my creature page.

Note 2: Sea Eater's hands have 5 fingers like human, not the kind of horse's hoops you saw on Bobert Rob's animations
